"I have gone to energy healers for over 20 years. I have also been initiated in many healing modalities. I have had the best results with Anne.
Symptoms of irritable bowel have almost all disappeared. Headaches and pain have been greatly diminished. I have more energy and an overall feeling of wellness that I did not have before. I am also focusing better.
Anne also really listens when I talk. She has made practical suggestions to lessen stress in my workplace and life that have worked." Peggy M. Mechanicsburg, PA
"Thank you so much. It has always been easy to just not pay attention to myself, my thoughts, feelings, etc. What I learned last week (at the CareGivers' Renewal Seminar) gave me permission to do that, not just permission, but an expectation that I do so. I have found that I have started talking to God again. I had, in the past, had quite a personal relationship with Him, and I let the world pull me away. Your class brought me back, and I have reconnected to the excitement of what His plan and will is for me going forward. Thank you." Margie C. Westminster, MD
"Anne is a very gifted healer and teacher. I have been fortunate to work with her. Her talents, kindness, compassion and integrity create and hold a safe space for her clients to integrate and make necessary and desirable changes in their lives."
"Take the time to listen to my friend, mentor, teacher, personal healer. She is truly amazing and a true Healer."
"Just a note to thank you for the opportunity to experience the Barbara Brennan healing session last week-—it has re-opened pathways and again reminded me of my mission here. . . It has been a while since I have been opened enough to HEAR. Thank you for helping me realign with Spirit and my role in this play."
"I think what you have written (in your Newsletter) is profoundly simple and simply profound. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences."
"Your newsletter is absolutely beautiful and it spoke to my heart. I remembered the ebb and flow of life and how important the ebb can be. I just returned from an ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) conference on the science of energy healing with an open heart and a deep appreciation of your work and newsletter. Love & Blessings, Lois"
I look forward to receiving your monthly emails, and just now had a chance to read your lovely and therapeutic November newsletter. Thank you for your insight, your obvious careful selection of words in your writings, and your compassion for all living beings. In today’s Facebook/Twitter culture, where it’s all-too-easy to fling out careless thoughts that sometimes are masked by aliases or otherwise hidden identities, it’s so refreshing to get your heartfelt, caring, and in-depth reflections each month.
Thank you for taking the time to enrich our lives!