
Dear friends,
Happy Spring! In this month’s newsletter we explore hope. Hope is the first step of action. It is the force that aligns with the creative template of the Universe. Hope is the intention for ‘right relations’ to upwell from our Being. It is our opportunity to grow, bloom and blossom!
Blessings and love,

The Healing Wave

Anne believes that faith, nature and our own creativity have a role in healing. She has her masters in Earth Literacy (spirituality and the environment), and a PhD in Art and Healing (using creativity to heal). Her passion is creating safe and sacred space and relationships. Anne's gift is being able to support the client's innate ability to grow and heal themselves. (Find out more about Anne here.)
As a certified Brennan Healing Energy Science Practitioner she facilitates the integration of both inner and outer dimensions. This type of healing includes clearing and charging the energy field, as well as repairing the energy structures of organs and chakras. It encompasses the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies and works to support, balance, and reconnect through intentionality and core essence. Healings may include hands-on table work, education, discussion or imaginative or ritual creation. Anne also is a certified aromatherapist, and offers Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification. (Find out what others are saying about Anne here.)
The Healing Wave also sponsors Healing Days. Beginning as a service project for the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, the purpose of The Healing Wave Healing Days was to offer support to my classmates. By creating an opportunity to connect to each other, centering on the sacred space of an area, a higher energy vibration occurs. This becomes the foundation for offering free healings and education to the community.
These volunteer service days have taken place across the country. Since moving to New Jersey in 2017, Anne will continue the tradition, gathering together many alternative healing modality practitioners to offer free energy healings in different cities throughout the state. Watch in Upcoming Events for a Healing Wave Healing Day near you. Or send us an email if your business, club or community would like to host its own Healing Wave.
(See photos of some of our Healing Days here.)
Look for regular new Blogs, Newsletters and Resources which include informational handouts and how-to videos.